Miriam Hartmann is a Provençal landscape painter in the tradition of modern and contemporary art.

No need to explain why I am in Provence: come and see my paintings and books! It is not only the light but also the landscape. To live and work here is to transmit the artistic spirit of the place.
In the gallery, you will find my paintings in oil, pigments, watercolours and designs, exhibition posters and postcards, and
some limited-edition prints. Shipping is possible.
An art book will be published in May 2025. The authors have dedicated a chapter to my work.It is in French but will be translated in English as well:“Cezanne à Châteaunoir. L’histoire d’une fascination”, editions H.Chopin.
Want to stay in touch? There is a monthly e-mail newsletter in French, English and German. You are very welcome!
Workshop and Gallery in Aix-en-Provence.
Instagram: @artmiriamhartmann https://miriam-hartmann.com/
Tél et whatsapp : 0033789804901
Mail : hartmann.miriam@orange.fr
The gallery is open by appointment.
13100 Aix-en-Provence, 9 rue Loubon