Meet Hannah Watkins, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist

Hello there, my name is Hannah Watkins and I moved with my family to Aix en Provence last August. We wanted to have an adventure and to give our 10 year old son a flavour of something else quite wonderful. It has been an exciting challenging process so far, full of fun and obstacles to overcome and we have had our ups and downs. We are looking forward to the summer here.

I am a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist. It’s ok, nobody knows what that is!

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is a gentle, sensitive, hands-on therapy that originated from the Osteopath William Garner Sutherland.  It works by the therapist tuning into your body and acting as a bridge to help you reawaken the deep forces of life and health within you, rather than just treating your symptoms.  It is a therapy for anyone, of any age.

I believe it is about bringing people home to their bodies and helping them reconnect with forgotten parts of themselves.

Yung Pueblo, Poet meditator and speaker sums up my work perfectly and eloquently:

A body is a field of moving energy and a system of
Information. as life continues its fluctuations, we tend
To gather attachments, burdens, and sorrows. We hold
Them so tightly that they become embedded in the 
Body, causing blockages and disruptions in the flow of 
Our system, which can limit access to the best possible
version of ourselves-this sometimes manifests as
Ailments or disease as well as the lack of belief in our 
Own power and a lack of understanding of the universe.

When we use purifying healing  techniques, the body
Begins releasing these knots of attachment, allowing
Our field of energy to return to balance and move more
Freely and powerfully. this causes changes in our body:
Not just physical changes, such as the healing of disease
Or ailments, but immaterial and internal changes as
Well, such as believing in oneself more, the growth of
Love, and the aspiration to grow into wisdom. Really,
There is no separation between the mind and the body;
They move together as one under the leadership of our 
Mental contents.

In my practice, I have often found BCST to be of help in treating a wide range of conditions. It can support physical aches and pains, acute and chronic illness, emotional and mental health, assisting the body to rediscover and develop levels of health, well-being, and vitality.

I offer Network Provencers a special rate of 50 euros a session.